Have you ever thought of buying Oakley brand clothing? Well , I have always liked Oakley sunglasses. And when I realized they also sold clothing I just had to review a few items. Check out this pair of shorts and this cool tee-shirt. The quality is really good, the shorts have a nice dole stitch in the crotch area and actually fit really well for the size advertised.
The tee-shirt is really durable and comfortable. I like the feel of the spun cotton, and it holds up pretty good after a few washes. Overall I would consider buying more Oakley brand clothing, however, I suggest buying the sale items.
We found an awesome outlet mall in Florida and just had to stock up on school clothes to review for you guys. At the Under Armour outlet store we found these awesome youth tee-shirts. We really like these tee-shirts for their durability and style. These shirts have definitely lasted the test of time for our little youngsters/reviewers. The only downside would be the price, however, given how they hold up to rough use, I'd say buying one of these tee-shirts, would last just as long as two or more "cheaper" shirts!
The Childrens Place
This haul from The Children's Place was an awesome score! We really like reviewing clothing from this store. The clothes are a really good quality. The denim has really good stitching, and our little reviewers tell us that they are really comfortable to wear. Along with an affordable price and almost always an online coupon you can find, their denim products are worth the buy.
This dress and colorful tee-shirts from The Children's Place are also a good buy. The tee-shirts are really cool looking and the reviewers like them, however, after washing they are not as durable as the more expensive Under Armour tee-shirts.